Wednesday, April 14, 2004


After finishing the memoirs of LKY , i searched my house for another biography. I found the biography of the most prominent figure of present day Roman Catholic church, Pope John Paul II. Barely finishing a hundred pages of the book, you can already tell that Lolek's( Pope's nickname) was not ordinary person. Reading biographies always leaves this questions in my head, when you grow up will anyone care to write a book about you?, what will u leave behind.

i was looking at the Best Cadet plague in my room and i discovered that there was only one on display where my other one. I rummaged through my cupboard and found it together with people of my childhood. I looked through it and saw how much changes had already taken place around me. Gone were the days when i was very kiddie garfield shorts and geeky hairstyles. The old mansion at St. Theresa's church has been replaced by the Annexe and the wall around the statue of st. theresa was torn down. My mom's mole has been removed. My 3rd aunt and grandparents has left this world. Never would i have believe that i would be shocked that all these changes had taken place.