Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Life's Entropy

Laziness, Sloth, Procrastination, Fear, indiscipline, detachment, discernment, disengagement, pacifism.

Well this has been what my life feels like more often than not these days. The desire to improve and grow and fulfill my goals toss to the corner of my minds, with onli a few moments each when i'm interacting that i discover how LL i've become and how try to do things for myself requires the a substantial amount of energy. Well today i did get some work done. I restart on my NYAA report. Hopefully in 2 weeks at the most, i can be happily telling everyone that i've completed my report. Well on a comforting note, i'm nearing the end of my driving, with just a few more lessons to go and an intense need to get a better date for my driving test and hopefully passing it on the first attempt.

Thinking about it, life's seriously got to move on, and at a quicker pace at that, like wad neil armstrong said, "one small step, one giant leap for mankind". Everything starts small, i truly hope that i will be doing the tings i really need to be doing in the next few months ahead.

Oh btw, i'm at Pacific Coffee company at Vivo City and i have to say, it's one of the most crowded places at virtually every moment of the day. the ambience is great. not only on the inside but the outdoor deck is spectacular as well with swing seats and lounging chairs with the warm afternoon blowing at your face.

One last headache on my mind now is to apply for NTU or SMU, well i guess NTU will ultimately still be my choice because of a number of things namely, its 3 year direct honours programme, it's second specialisation option much like poly, it's highly ranked finance faculty, its combination of lecture and tutorial style in year 1 and a transition to seminar style thereafter. The downside, its civlization away from civilization lifestyle, the lack of a double degree programme. But then even these are debatable, like for example, it's does has it's romantic and serene charm compared to the cosmospolitan SMU, and what it makes so sure that's i'll be able to cope with a doube degree when so many when transited from poly to uni have failed. Well afterall, a piece of paper is a piece of paper. It does have a certain bearing to your future. but i doesn't distinguish you as a person in its entirety. well guess i've made my mind afterall :)