Saturday, May 19, 2007

One Things leads to another

Well, i posted earlier on but somehow one thing just led to another and i'm back here again. Well, it's started with me reading a corrinne may email update and then remembering how i was supposed to go her concert with a friend but it never materialized cos the tix were sold out and then remembering how i loved her songs and those entrancing music and somehow it led to fervent surfing of the net and sampling on pop songs and old favourites. and then in the span of these 3 years, i tot i have grown, i have matured but then i realised that i haven really change. Deep inside, i'm still me, nothing much have really changed, the circumstances are different, the experiences i have gained are more but in essence, many things still remained the same.

i'm still chasing after the same tings, Love, Recognition, Fulfillment, activity, growth, change. The tunes of goo goo dolls, avril, euro beats/techno still leaves that "feel good" experience, whether i encounter something beautiful, i still envision that there was someone beside me to share the moment, a friend mayb, a lover, a companion. and i discover that my life plan is not being realised, because the steps to getting there are not being fulfilled. not going out there to experience life to the fullest, live life full of apprenhension and skeptism, hoping foolishly for serendipitious things to happen. maybe it's really time that we act on our plans and realise them,