Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I'm Optimistically Neutral

I was reading some blog just now and everyone seems so sad and for the past few days, i haven feel the feeling of sadness. All that is left within me is a quiet happiness and acceptance of the imperfection of the life i am walking. Yes, it just so queer how we feel so frustrated with ourselves all the time because we feel that this isn't quite wad i should be doing. I should having fun with my friends. I should irrational and impulsive and just go party. Well, i oso dunno, i'm impulsive by nature but my impulse doesn't make me do such stuff why? i just wonder. Mayb i just don't feel strongly enuff for them.

Oh yeah i read this really interesting book the other day and it dawned on me that there are many people out there who ain't actually in love but in love the idea that they're in love. Sound damn complicated rite. It simply means that you're not in love with your partner but plainly because u loved the feeling of being love. It warped, and quite weird but otherwise logical.

Oh i haven told many wad i did for the week. But i guess the words, peaceful, contentment, acceptance, alone, determination and dream more or sums it up. If u can guess what i did. Well sms/msg me, u know where to find me.