Saturday, September 03, 2005


Okies it's been two days since the school lessons stopped and i can't seem to get back to studies, to mugging. All i keep thinking about is all i need to do study but somehow nothing is going in.

Sometimes it really makes me wonder why the hell do i actually study. Will studying really make my life better in the future. Will it? i might i guess but is really what i want? what do making ur life better means. You possess all the material riches in the world? Everyone look up to u cos u're intelligent and influential. Or maybe just maybe you would be able to live a comfortable life with a family of ur own and ur parents are happy to be looking after ur children for you.

Well it all seem a little too far fetched to be thinking of this right now. But i seriously can't seem to get my mind in the right place. Not knowing why i'm studying for. We all do things without knowing what consequences we'll have to bear and what paths lies ahead for us. Just holding on a doubtful fool's hope of a bright and beautiful future doesn't seem to work anymore. Studying for the sake of the LOVE doesn't seem to make any sense when not one seem to care whether i pass out or fail other than myself.

You know they always say that dreams will be always be dream unless u act on them? i trying very hard to change my stars but somehow... I just feel so lost. I really don't know who i am anymore.


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