Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Good New Days

This week surprising has been a good week, eventhough studying i have to say it's kinda getting nowhere. I have gone through SIS but nothing sticks in my brains and i've kinda finish SOM yet again with nothing in my brain. and i've started on CRM and dunno lar, Seems too lame to mug but too stupid to lost marks for not remember. Guess i'll have to prepare notes and last mins mug as much as possible(amap) as usual.

Oh wells, this entry isn't supposed to be on studying but in retrospect, the saturday i spent NOT studying but out with my pals. I guess this week was slightly different from other weeks and i guess it the difference that makes meeting up more interesting. We went down to queensway, i saw some stuff but none that really catches my eyes but the rest bought some things like shoes and apparels. we talked bout lots of crap along the way. before we headed to town for church. Ended up in Sts Peter and Paul cos Ant needed get a crucifix and wanted to go for mass. I have to say, i was looking forward to father thomas lin's homily but it kinda blew cos he kept repeating points that didn't seem to strike a chord with me at all. I mean i understand what's he saying but i just dun understand the significance of staying disciplined and staying the course until it struck me that this was a power from god. Determination, passion, drive. Things are getting slightly better at home, we're talking more but i guess, i still need to hold my tongue or else i'm literally be lashing out at my mum. She's just blunt and narrow-tracked sometimes.

Ah okies, i had a good time out on sat. Thanks God for giving me the company to share my tots and have fun with before getting down to business again. Alrite, i gotta study again. I just discovered that if everything went well, i might actually still be able to up my grades surprisingly. I gonna give it my best shot.