Saturday, October 07, 2006

Thoughts of the Weeks

Well you know how it is that i'm trying to make entries more like sharing than personal lamentation( dunno whether there's actually such a word). And this week like many other weeks has been one filled with many thoughts from this tiny brain of mine.

Being born imperfect beings, we do stupid things. We do them without knowing whether they're good or bad for us until much later on. Sometimes we're glad that we were bold and we actually did it, in other cases we regret being such dumb asses that we are for doing the things we do. This week is no different from the other weeks. I spent a large doing spastic things before somethings struck me like

1) Ear Piercing - The motives for Piercing, The Impression and Acceptance of Piercing

Abit like my first social psychology experiment where i question dyeing my hair. But since this time i dun need to present this or impress anyone. I'll have to say that there are many reasons why people have body piercing. Here are Some:

  1. They Look Nice - seriously they do, look at all the fancy and pretty bling bling but den again pls use some discretion.
  2. Cos they enjoy the pain - yeah much like why people slit their wrist, smoke, drink alcohol, in actual alot of this things are harmful to our body but still we do it become it helps us divert our attention away from our troubles and numb them in a different kind of pain. This is something interesting to note)
  3. Novelty and the you only live once bullshit - Well i came up with it but i tink it's kinda bull myself. It news and you want to try it or else you might never get a chance to try it again.
  4. "it reminds me that I am actually capable of doing something right" - Dunno how many will agree with me on this but don't you think that there are many things in life that you hope to achieve, but no matter how much you try, they never seem to be realised. And so piercing my ear was actually a reminder to me that i'm not a failure and that there are still things in this world that i'm capable of achieving.

2) The Dissociation of Love & Sex

This is something i never get as well. Falling in Love is a alright subject to talk about but sex is like this taboo subject that cannot be discussed openly. As a matter of fact, these kind of stuff should be discussed together and not seperately.

You mean after you fall in love, you get married and the babies just fall from the sky? You mean that the porn that is oh so rampant on the internet is wrong, we shouldn't be doing that? Why? Then what should we be doing? Hey i just don't understand why, we see love as this pure thing where people just hold hands and talk when it's definitely more complex than it looks

I think it's time we face up to facts, quote mr Tang Wing Kee, "Sex is not dirty, it's a beauty things." It your mind that is dirty. I mean people actually do call it "Making Love" rite.

3) The Cheap Thoughts, Unspoken Words and the Louder actions

Yeah... This is the cowardice of me... I always like to say this and than, and sometimes just sometimes i make things all cheem so that it seems like i have some difficulties. And i'll thinking of this and that yada yada and it gets no where. What i'll like to say it that it more important to do it than to think it.

But it does help in someone is able to help you along, to give advice or even like the phrase " it takes two hands to clap".